to Mar 31

Spring Break Golf Camp

  • Google Calendar ICS

Golf Instruction from PGA Professional Pat Lenski

3 participation options to choose from:
3-DAY OPTION (pick any 3 days)                $140
4-DAY OPTION (pick any 4 days)                $170
5-DAY OPTION (all week)                            $200

2 participation times to choose from:
10:00 – 1:00 or 1:00 – 4:00

If you’re looking for an opportunity to keep your kids active during spring break, why not try our golf camp. Get the game back in shape, get the rust off and learn new skills during our Spring Break Golf Camp. Each session is 3 hours and includes golf instruction, including full swing, short game, rules & etiquette and fun group competitions and on course play.   

Eligibility Requirement:  (Minimum age 9 years old)

Participants will be grouped according to age and skill level to create an environment for golfers of all skill levels to be challenged appropriately.                      

Sign up:  Limited to 12 participants each session.  Please indicate which program time and camp option on the enrollment form below when reserving a spot.  Scan and Email your registration form to plenski@pga.comor drop off at the Mill Creek Golf Club pro shop to reserve your spot.

Payment:     Make checks payable to: ‘Pat Lenski, PGA

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